Early in the morning we went out for cycling. Beautiful – and the moment of sun rising, all the colors, the light. We stopped to look at it, and we saw there the sun, and behind us, high in the sky the full moon. Magnificent!
Realised same sun same moon as in Java, as in Malawi- they have the full sun in their flag.. There is one sun, Like a word in the Bible: his sun rises over just and unjust.. . One world, we share the same air, rain (much in Holland and too little in Malawi)—the same life; we are one humanity. No matter where we live. We are international, global people. we felt, standing there,  Unity  in all diversity.
A good encouraging experience.         

St Paul knew this feeling, he wrote …to keep so. Not to make, create …just to is already there.  In all of us is de spirit of God, of the universe…we are united…
If we just had known before starting to discuss our concerns about unity!!!!!.
We shared our worries about unity : in congregation(how to be internationally united) , in communities, in a team( how to work really together using the strength and skills of each),  ,in the same understanding of spirituality - not uniform-but understanding the same core.                                                                                                             … also about diversity—we saw it as a richness, it makes us more complete, using all the possibilities and skills available.. And we saw also the more difficult sides when we got acquainted with our most divers sister Amalia. We felt:  Not easy- Unity not easy diversity
St. Paul knows about these concerns : writes: until we all reach the unity , Reach…it is not yet done and complete. In reality we often divide it up what is united: :  We speak of the third world…isn’t there one world? We make borders: this is mine.., We speak from natives and foreigners, from mine and thine.  We are multinational—but not always international. We know of competition, different characters. . Unity in diversity, it is not yet reached.
This brings us to the Gospel.
There Jesus prays to the father : that they may be one as we are one. He not just prays: that they may be one…But : One as we are”  How is God one:  A very bold question,.... But Jesus spoke from Father, who gives us life, from the Son who shared our life, and from the Spirit, who is God in action in us: enthusiasm, inspiration. These three –they are one God: Unity in diversity.  And we are called to become what God is, called to become his image: United, together in diversity.
Reaching that kind of Unity in faith, in living your spirituality, that is, mature, St. Paul says, that brings us to the measure of the fullness of Christ.
That’s what I find attractive in your Constitutions: to live up for a new society, equality, brothers sisters…every day more...
Sometimes against the trend of this world: The world is inclined to divide, to split up everything;  we are called to unite—to unity in diversity
I think at the end of this GCO-- We experienced this unity in this GCO, in encountering each other, in the friendship we received and gave. There were many  good moments:  formation days at the beginning, discussions about Internationality, about collaboration ,about co-involvement of the Netherlands. We need such moments, such meetings and encounters. I hope they will be possible in the future—papers, and technology cannot do what human encounter and friendship can do.
A the moment of sun rising I myself remembered a small story which I told:   Father do it again…
Let us pray the good God and each other that we may have also in the future a lot of these good experiences! Let us, let He do it again. That will give hope!

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